“That the world…

23 Feb

may know that I love the Father…”

John 14:31

Written in red, nestled between lots of other red words this desire was spoken straight from the lips of Jesus.

And today it has been my heart’s cry.

Many times over the last (almost!) six years of learning to love my Lord, I have wrestled with the enormity of such a task.

The world.

Honduras. Ecuador.

Two small South American countries where I’ve seen first hand the overwhelming need.

Maryland. Pennsylvania.

Two small American states where I live and work day in and day out. The need here is great, too.

Africa. China.

Other places where they desperately need the Hope of the Gospel.

He commands, “Go ye into all the world…”

There are millions of people in hundreds of countries that need to know His Truth.

People who need missionaries to take It across the seas and into the jungles. Into the slums and into the palaces. Into the cities and into the country.

There’s a world out there dying without Him.

Oh, that the world may know!

How can one person even scratch the surface of the work that so desperately needs to be done?

How can one worker sow thousands of seeds, seeds that will yield eternal fruit?

The answer is simple.

One person can’t evangelize seven continents.

Yet we are commanded to “go into all the world!”

Why would He make such a request if it was humanly impossible?

Lord, where do you want me to serve?

There is so much work to be done!

I hear His answer as I question.

Father, where shall I work today?
And my love flowed warm and free.
Then He pointed out a tiny spot
And said, “Tend that for me.”
I answered quickly, “Oh no; not that!
Why, no one would ever see,
No matter how well my work was done;
Not that little place for me.”
And the word He spoke, it was not stern;
He answered me tenderly:
“Ah, little one, search that heart of thine.
Art thou working for them or for me?
Nazareth was a little place,
And so was Galilee.”
(–Meade McGuire)

He has not called me to a foreign country, but I can faithfully support those He has with giving financially to missions.

He has not sent me across the sea to serve, but I can pray for those who are serving.

He has given me a little place.

He has called me to a classroom, a church, a community.

These places are my mission field.

He has called me to make sure my corner of the world knows.

Knows that I love Him.

Knows that I love because He loved me first. (1 John 4:19)

Knows that He loves them too.

Loved them enough to lay down His Life.

  “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”

John 15:13

I am responsible for my neighbors, my students, my family, for those I encounter every day as I go about life in my world.

The girl at the checkout counter at Target.

The person pumping next to me at the gas station.

The teenager in the youth group.

The visitor in the back row pew next Sunday.

The second-graders I teach each day.

The cousins who know yet don’t yet know.

I must live in way that clearly demonstrates His love.

He has lavished it upon me!  How I wish they too could know!

  “Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God..”

 1 John 3:1

They can know, if I’ll only tell them!

If I’ll only steward my little place well.

One Response to ““That the world…”

  1. Uncle Joe February 24, 2011 at 6:31 am #

    Wow what a great post. If every child of God got such a clear understanding of His call on thier life, His work would be carried out the way He desires for it to be. Not all are called to be Missionaires or Evangelist but we are all called to be soul winners.

    Uncle Joe

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